Septic Tank Cleaning Services in Thunder Bay

Al's Sewage Services provides a variety of septic tank cleaning services in Thunder Bay and the surrounding communities. We have been in the business for over 20 years and are committed to prompt and reliable services. We are a family-owned and operated company that can offer 24-hour emergency septic tank cleaning and maintenance services. Regular inspections, cleaning, and maintenance are all essential to a properly functioning sewage system. Make sure your system is properly maintained and cleaned; contact the pros today.

In addition to septic tank cleaning, we provide a variety of other services, such as:

  • Liquid industrial waste
  • Liquid commercial waste
  • Camp holding tank cleaning
  • Restaurant kitchen trap cleaning

Industrial and commercial buildings, such as restaurants and manufacturing plants, which need someone to take their waste away can call Al's Sewage Services for kitchen trap cleaning, commercial waste removal, and holding tank cleaning. Contact us today for more information.